16 Tips To Save Money And Make Your Dream Journey

1. When a group of people laughs, they will look at who they feel closest to, or who they want to be closer to.
2. While you are talking to someone, look at the feet of the person you are talking to. If they are not pointed at you, they probably will not talk anymore.3. At the first meeting, bring your escort to do different things, so he will associate you with that exciting feeling!4. When you meet someone, try to note the color of that person's eyes. They like you better when you make eye contact.5. If you work with customer service, place a mirror behind you. That way, people will not be rude, anyway nobody likes to see himself as an idiot.6. Many people fail to differentiate knowledge and trust. If it feels like you know what you're doing, they tend to be on your side.7. When it comes to finding a group where someone is going to want to suppress you, sit next to that person. It sounds crazy, but that does not make her feel so safe when it comes to attacking you.8. Many of the physical effects of stress are the same as joy. So if you think that a threatening situation is actually a challenge, your stress will be all directed towards the willingness to solve the problem.9. People will feel better about helping you if you ask for a small favor after they refuse more complicated ones.10. If you show that you are happy to meet other people, it is likely that the next time you see them, they will be much happier and more excited to find you (yes, your dog does this all the time).11. Before a job interview imagine that you are a friend of the interviewer. This way you control the situation, and everything will be much more comfortable for both sides.
12. Do not say or even write "I think" or "I believe". This is already implicit and is nothing more than a way of showing that you are not confident.
13. Expressions are one of the ways to bring emotions to the surface. So if you want to get a little happier, try opening a big smile!14. If you ask something to someone and the answer is weak, keep staring at that person while you remain silent. She will understand that the answer was not what you expected and will continue to speak.15. If someone is angry with you and you stay calm, that person will probably get even more angry, but you will be ashamed of yourself later.
16. Chewing gum or eating while you do something that makes you nervous is good, it makes your brain think that you should not be in danger because you are eating.
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