Winning in life is only the first step

For many people succeed in life is the ultimate goal of its existence. Get there - wherever that "there" is - consume all your attention, energy and efforts. Dreams and most big life goals people are generally linked to the notion of winning in life.

No, my argument is that money does not bring happiness or to succeed in life is not important and that "peace, love and happiness" is what we seek - the failure of the hippies in the 60s and 70s has shown us that this is not the way!

Winning in life, a concept that usually translates as "financial success", is absolutely necessary. Who has not won in life waste a ridiculous amount of time trying to get there, often not by ambition, but by necessity it. Our natural tendency as human beings is to try to eliminate what causes us stress and seek an equilibrium condition. If lack of money causes us anxiety and concern, it is natural to put all our energy and attention on generating more money so that we have enough to not worry us more and we can enjoy a greater emotional balance condition.

The problem is that money is only a resource. If we think in terms of purpose of life, the pursuit of money does not make sense to most people. However, without it can not be devoted to any other purpose! It is for this reason that to succeed in life is the first step so you can put more attention and energy on the very purpose of life, whatever it may be.

The strategy of carpedinianos is: to succeed in life as soon as possible and win the right to use the time as desired without having to do anything by necessity, only for motivation and will.

However, we have not learned how to win in life at school! Neither our parents taught us! What we learned is that we should be "good", obey our teachers, do homework, decorate everything we are taught to give ourselves well in the tests. The promise is that if we do everything right, to grow, someone will give us a good and secure job and then win in life! Excuse the term, but how stupid is this reasoning ?! Just look around and see that those who obey, decorate and are good guys end up in a cubicle obeying orders from a boss any in exchange for a miserable salary at month's end. The opposite of nice, the one who carries on his back a history of rebellion, disregard for the system and school life in red, has a much better chance to succeed in life! Much of today's millionaires and billionaires have little or no study and no attached themselves to what they learned in school to build their success.

As for our parents ... Well, they did the best they could. They themselves did not know the secret to succeed in life. Some arrived there, but maybe they did not know really teach what they did to save us time and worry about it.

Therefore, most of us are here without much foundation on what to do to take this great weight off our backs. We want to put our time on more important things, we want to dedicate our life purpose, but we can not ... Often we can not even identify our mission in life, as the financial need occupies all our mental space.

Some people hear about this issue and adopt a skeptical stance. But how? That's not possible! How can I eliminate all need money to dedicate myself only to what I want? I'm not a millionaire! The lack of information on personal financial management generates this kind of skepticism. Moreover, these concepts are not easily found in books available there. Most of these books were written by people who also work for money most of the time and only teach how to administer the estate, not creating a situation where you no longer have to put your personal time in exchange for money, one of the objectives primordial life Carpe Diem.

This is not a "secret", which can be revealed in a few lines and that, once you know what is this secret, you can then enjoy a passive income and devote his time to the activities of your choice. No, this is not a secret! of passive income strategies are as old as civilization itself. There are more modern strategies and others that have already been used for millennia. But of course you do not learn it at school!

Nowadays, the Internet, for example, existing offers the best opportunity for creating a financial condition freedom. How, though, despite browse the Internet hours daily, know how to generate income through it? See I'm not talking about "schemes" of network marketing, pyramid, win by browsing or anything like that!

classical forms of passive income are: investment in real estate, futures markets, stock exchange or investment in other companies. But these options are not risky? Yes, they are! You need some knowledge and initial capital to enjoy the benefits of these options.

In all of these options, however, is an internet business or passive income through real estate, interest or actions, it is possible - and common - to devote more time to these activities than to dedicate a conventional job during business hours. I know people who have online business working 16 hours a day, as well as real estate market investors who can not take time off to spend with family as they are traveling the country acquiring or selling properties.

Working to exhaustion is not the goal! Create your own business so that it control is completely contrary to the philosophy Carpe Diem. carpediniano is the "owner" of the business, not the "boss"! And there's a big difference there! The chief work like hell, sometimes more than their employees. The owner hires the head to lead him, meanwhile, he does what gives meaning to your life. This "model" fits virtually any activity that does not involve compulsory dedication of oneself - such as law or medicine.

Of course we can not go into greater detail about how this process works, because we have only the space of an article here. But this matter will be the subject of an entire volume of the collection Carpe Diem and give you foundation for you to build a real financial condition of independence, when his time is freed from the generation of wealth so that you can enjoy it in the best possible way .
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