
We pass numerous difficulties, and have a lot of struggle to achieve certain goals and still die on the beach.
We can allow ourselves to be consumed by work, and lost nights of sleep or leave to spend the weekend with family for just have dire need to get resources to maintain a dignified life, or amargarmos an obscure period of unemployment.
We can watch injustice knocking on our door and realize, unfortunately, that sometimes there is absolutely nothing to do.
We can cry heartbroken loss of a loved one or a loved one.
We can, for so much negative thing to happen, we determined that it always wrong to us and maldizermos our luck.
After all this until we pass the head the stupid idea of ​​making a big mess himself, since it is exactly this: that it pass idea - and never come back, why life is Overrun!
We are not born walking, we are not born speaking, not thinking so much nonsense - and we can not under any circumstances is losing the spirit, the spirit, and our capacity to love, to overcome and live!
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