As you dedicate yourself?

When I ask How do you devote yourself (or)? to people, they just think of the time factor; It is an automatic reasoning that is part of our culture. But in fact, time is only one aspect to be added.
devote to you is directly linked to "how" is feeding into all areas of your life. Just as you need to eat with quality criteria and amount to stay alive, you also need criteria to fill.

It is very common to find people who sit around waiting for others to love, respect, consider and, therefore, use some features: buy gifts, they are boazinhas, send cards, remember the anniversary. It also those who, when they get professional success, for example, run to tell everyone why they need recognition. Food is means to do all this, but rather to himself.

Know that everything is done initially within us. So first I need to be rich inside me, first I must be loving in me, be recognized within me, respectful inside me ... All this is food. That's what I'm putting in me to be the powerhouse of my own happiness. What I create is what I'll attract.

Yeah, but a lot of people who do not look, do not you? And if you do not look like you might like you? We can only like what we know. There are people who say, "I have a very complicated relationship with my body. I do not like it, or look not see how ugly, crooked, have cellulite ... ". Then, as the person does not see, you will never like you. In our body, the eye is facing out. We were not watching our interior and, yes, looking all the time for the other. Of course we like more other than ourselves if we do not look!
That is why I advocate both the importance of self-knowledge. You must first be known and then enjoy yourself. itself to devote himself does not mean how much time is for leisure, a hobby, a study, this is all a result of this look inside.
When you recognize and love, it presents you, takes care of mind, body, emotions and spirit in a healthy way. It is by and for you, first, to come back and give the other what is most precious to you.
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